7 good reasons to study abroad
Studying abroad has become common among students. It looks like a real asset on the CV. It is also an opportunity to live a great experience! Here are all the reasons to fly to another country to study.
Going abroad is the dream of many French students! But often, going from dream to reality is more complicated than it seems, especially in the context of a global health crisis. Getting out of your daily comfort (family, friends, living environment, etc.) and finding yourself hundreds or even thousands of kilometers from your country of origin can be a real obstacle for many people. However, studying abroad offers real advantages! If you are still reluctant or hesitant, Diplomeo offers you 10 good reasons to give it a try!
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1) Learn to master a foreign language
Who hasn’t dreamed of being able to speak English fluently? This universal language that the National Education tries to instill in us from an early age, and this with difficulty! Indeed, the French are internationally known to be quite bad at languages…
Even if this defect fades more and more with generation Z, rare are the students who master the language fluently when they arrive in class of terminale… Why? Because to really learn English, it is better to be in an English-speaking country  ! This is the case for all other languages: German, Spanish, Korean, Japanese or even Russian. To be so, you will have to practice the foreign language regularly and diligently!
Going to study abroad, you will have no other solution than to enter the arena and get by in the language of the country. If this seems unlikely to you, think again: in just a few months, you will see your level improve considerably.
I was very bad in English! But wanting to work as an air hostess , it was essential that I know how to speak English  ! I signed up for a one-year course, and I avoided hanging out too much with people who spoke French! In barely 4 months, I already understood everything that was said to me. At the end of my training, I spoke English fluently! At first I was really hesitant, but today I have no regrets about this year in London! »
Being bilingual is a significant asset whether in the professional or personal world. Nowadays, mastering a second language has become almost essential.
2) Become autonomous and independent
In life, sometimes you have to take the plunge! Studying abroad will make you more independent , which will be a great asset for your future professional life .
For example, Maxime left to study in Quebec after his BTS . According to him, this experience allowed him to be more independent , more open and above all more mature . Choosing your accommodation, solving last-minute problems, taking transport in a country different from yours, will allow you to gain in emancipation .
3) Discover another culture
Each country has its own culture! And what luck to be able to discover a new way of life by going to study abroad!
Zela, as part of a university exchange , had the opportunity to spend a full year in China at the University of Wuhan: “I had the opportunity to choose several countries, but my choice was very quickly focused on the Asian continent, more precisely on China. I wanted a real culture shock  ! And I’ve always wanted to learn about Chinese culture. »
Discovering another culture also involves food: “I’m not complicated when it comes to food! I have friends who had a hard time getting used to it, spending hours in the bathroom for the first few weeks. What is good in China is that you can eat at any time! There are always fried noodle vendors! On the other hand, the small downside concerns food products. In France, I had my little habits , and here there are certain products that I couldn’t find… and when I found them, they cost twice as much. »
Rest assured, if your stomach has trouble adapting to local food, you can always find products from elsewhere, but you will need to plan for a small budget.
4) Make a new circle of friends
Are you hesitating to try the adventure for fear of finding yourself at home alone in the evening? Do not be afraid ! Many students who have gone abroad have quickly created a new circle of friends  !
5) Live a unique adventure
One thing is certain, after your stay abroad , you will be a changed student! An intense and unique experience.
For his part, Gauthier, also on an internship in Dubai , finds that “it’s really a different world! Nothing is like in France! It’s a pretty fun city to explore! »
6) Enrich your CV
Tell yourself that this experience abroad will put your CV at the top of the pile of the recruiter. This is a major asset! It proves that you speak a second foreign language, that you know how to manage on your own, that you are not afraid to try new things…
7) Make a good address book
to always want to take on new challenges  ! And it’s a great challenge to go and study abroad…