Class management and relationship with parents of students.
Creating a working atmosphere and maintaining discipline in the classroom are among the various professional skills expected of a teacher. This is sometimes called the teacher’s “authority” over his students. While nearly 40% of middle school teachers say they waste time because of students disrupting the classroom, almost all say they can manage these behaviors (95%). In addition, more than two-thirds of teachers (67%) indicate that their students strive to create a pleasant atmosphere.
Faced with the question of authority, teachers are not alone. Discussions with the administration, the main teacher, the main educational advisor and all the players in the education system make it possible to better identify each student and therefore meet his or her needs. School policies are also crucial and help teachers.
In higher education and teaching schools, future teachers are trained in class management. The management of conflict and violence is one of the core lessons: it is taught in all Inspé. The internships in an establishment allow training, in the field, in classroom management. In the second year of the MEEF master’s degree, two tutors work in collaboration: a field tutor within the school or establishment of assignment and a university tutor within the Inspé. These tutors have the role of advising and helping the student to take up his post, the design of the teaching sequences but also the management of the class.
teacher but entrusted to him. Parents have the right to know how their child is taught. The best answer to the challenge to the methods is the explanation given on the choices made to advance or learn the pupil, by clearly distinguishing the pupil and the child but by making the link between the two to show that what is done at home can have consequences for learning.
And it is by the calm and patient explanation of this diagnosis that he made and of the educational strategy that he recommends to remedy it, because the process is mastered, that he wins the parents’ conviction. . Explaining his profession by the choices he leads us to make in order to achieve success is fascinating, especially as it leads to reflection on our actions. ” He identifies pedagogical responses that only the teacher masters because he has been trained for it and this is precisely what characterizes his profession. And it is by the calm and patient explanation of this diagnosis that he made and of the educational strategy that he recommends to remedy it, because the process is mastered, that he wins the parents’ conviction. . Explaining his profession by the choices he leads us to make in order to achieve success is fascinating, especially as it leads to reflection on our actions. “
“What to do when parents question the authority of the teacher in front of their child? What to respond to parents who question the authority of the teacher?”
the pupil, to evaluate him to his right skills. This authority is exercised within the framework of the class and the establishment. It is different from the branch authority. In a process of co-education, we must play the alliance. And, if possible in the presence of the pupil, take or take again the initiative to define what can be done by the parents, without accusing, and by yourself, within the framework of the competences of each one. Above all, do not dispute the authority of the parents who themselves sometimes have difficulty in exercising it and rely on the teacher, in an idealization of the latter’s role. Contrary to popular belief, there are no parents who “quit”. What parent doesn’t want the best for their child? But not all of them know how to put it on the path to this better. The status of “child-king” is the solution they have sometimes found. It is often a position of protection and guilt.
However, anticipation is arguably the best way to go. Anything that has been presented upstream and regulated by regular meetings, such as the constitutive elements of the educational act, helps to avoid situations of discomfort. We are too often in an emergency for lack of thinking that events of this type can occur. Teamwork, the exchange of practices, the confrontation of problem situations experienced by each of the teachers constitute training methods and situations which must be seized upon very early in the profession. “