rapport with colleagues

6 ways to maintain good rapport with colleagues


Getting along well with others is not only good for the atmosphere at work, it also leads to more professional success. Everyone has an interest in maintaining good relationships with others. Here are 6 tips to achieve it.

1. Make a good impression

An optimistic attitude brings more than negative behavior. If you are positive about your colleagues, they will be positive about you as well. Ask them how they are doing or give them a compliment. Everyone loves it. Organize an activity outside the office, go for lunch together or have a drink on Friday at the end of the day.

2. Esteem your colleagues but also yourself

Take an interest in what they are doing. Be curious about their work and the lives they lead. Do your best to understand each other. Be concerned about their intentions and goals. Are they ambitious or not? This knowledge will help you avoid problems. Do the same with yourself: know who you are and what you want.

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3. Help yourself

Helping colleagues is very helpful. When you need it, you will quickly find someone who is willing to help you. Also dare to ask for help. It shows that you appreciate the other person, value their knowledge and that you don’t think you know everything. Keep a certain balance. Help does not always have to come from the same side. Also, don’t help just by expecting something in return.

4. No gossip

Gossip has a boomerang effect guaranteed! Are you having a problem with someone? Go find it directly and try to solve the problem together. Do not take a reproachful tone but try to listen to his side of the story. Ask questions. Resolving the dispute is far more important than being right.

5. Make a distinction between private and professional

Among colleagues, we can become friends but we must always know how to distinguish between things. The purely friendly should remain in the background at the office. During breaks you can chat about your private life, relationships, kids, and other stuff, but work is still work. Don’t let personal concerns influence your work. No one gets better.

6. What do you have in common?

The final tip comes to us from Flemish singer Charissa Parassiadis, better known as Slongs Dievanongs. “The Buddha in me greets the Buddha in you. Always try to put yourself in the other’s shoes. Look for the points that you have in common. You share with everyone at least one similar element. Even if you don’t. is that your taste for a simple food. If you search, you will find. “

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