Academic Research Publication – What You Must Take Care Of?


Academic research publication differs from typical research assignments that you have to do to fulfil the university requirements. Academic research aims to create new knowledge or contribute to the existing body of knowledge. Academic papers written for publication are held to high standards for that purpose. Acceptance criteria for academic research publications are strict. Papers go through a peer-review process before getting accepted for publication in a journal.

Academic research is an exhaustive exercise, and it takes a lot of time and effort to come up with quality research. But only writing a research paper is not enough; the goal is to publish it and gain recognition. Appropriate knowledge about how to get your paper published in a reputable journal relevant to your field helps you make informed decisions. Making a haphazard decision and submitting your research paper without knowing the basics of publication is not fruitful.

Publishing a paper in a reputable journal is crucial for the career growth of academics. It has a vital role in getting promotions for professors. Similarly, paper publication in prestigious journals is essential for students to get admissions in top-cadre universities. This article will guide you to make informed choices for academic paper publication.

Selecting the Right Journal

There is a proliferation of thousands of journals due to the rise of Information Technology. The decision to select the appropriate journal has become quite tricky. Open Access Predatory journals are also on the rise.They target novice academics for financial gains. Since there are so many journals, researchers and scholars end up frustrated with the whole process. They chose not to publish their research instead of finding the right journal. But sifting through plenty of journals and finding the right one for your research paper is not impossible. If you use appropriate filters, you can find the right journal with an undisputed reputation which can broaden the reach of your research paper to the intended audience.

You can use the following filters shared by experts of PhD dissertation writing services to search for the right journal for academic research publication.

Compile A List Of Available Journals

First of all, it is pertinent to make a list of available journals relevant to your subject area. You can consult your peers or experts in your field. Search online and invest some time to enlist suitable journals for your research. After you make a list of the available journals,scrutinize them with the following strategies.

Aim & Scope of the Journal

There are instances when a high-quality research paper gets rejected by a journal because the journal’s scope does not align with the research topic.Selecting the right journal similar to the subject of your research paper is the key to creating an impact.If the journal only publishes letters and reports and you submit a review article for publication, there are high chances of rejection.

Refer to the list of suitable journals compiled by you and visit their websites. There is a section titled “About the journal” on every journal’s website”. Read that section carefully and determine whether the journal’s scope suits your academic research publication. After reviewing the journal’s aim and scope, you can narrow your search for the right journal. You can also read abstracts of published articles by that journal to confirm that the journal’s aim issimilar to your research interests.

Journal Impact Factor

Journal Impact Factor is the standard practice to judge a journal’s reputation. Journal Impact Factor measures the citation count of published articles by that journal. A high citation count means the journal has a broader reach in academia. JIF is a vital criterion held in high esteem by institutions and authors worldwide.Academics who publish their research in high impact factor journals increase their chances of job promotions and grant approvals.

Indexed Journals

Journal indexation in a reputed database indicates the quality of the journal. Academics and institutions have high regard for papers published inIndexed journals. Journals added to scholarly databases, and search engine directories make their articles discoverable. Journals qualify for indexation based on the following processes.

  1. Quality of Peer Review
  2. Regularity in Publication
  • The reputation of the journal

Many researchers search for articles on Google Scholar for literature review. For that purpose, getting your paper published in an indexed journal is highly recommended.

Peer-Review Journals

For academic research publication, peer-reviewed journals are vital in validating and certifying the authenticity of research. Peer review encourages authors to meet the expectations of high academic standards. Experts review and critique the proposed publication to ensure that it is objective and valuable to the existing body of knowledge. The academic fraternity respectsthe peer-reviewed academic and scientific papers because of the rigorous scrutiny. So, while choosing the right journal for your research paper, ensure selecting a journal with a rigorous peer-review process.

Review the Journal Instructions Carefully

After selecting the suitable journal for academic research publication, thoroughly read the authors’ instructions. Every journal has different formats, word limits and page lengths for research papers. Therefore to save yourself from rejection, it is essential to structure your research paper as per the provided guidelines.

Impress the Editors with Your Title and Abstract

As per the famous saying,the first impression is the last. The first thing which the journal editor sees is the title and abstract of your research paper. The title of your research paper should tell in advance the content of your research paper. The abstract gives the reader an idea of your entire research paper. It must include the following:

  1. Statement of the Problem
  2. Theory
  • Research Methodology
  1. Data set
  2. Key findings
  3. Limitations
  • Recommendations

Proofread and Edit your Manuscript

Before submitting the manuscript to a journal for academic research publication, you should carefully edit and proofread your manuscript. It is advisable to seek professional help from expert editors. Editing and proofreading must ensure the following things.

  • Avoid wordiness
  • Improve the Sentence Structures
  • Correct Grammar, Punctuation and Spellings
  • Proper citations and references as per the required citation style
  • List the tables and figures carefully


Selecting the right journal for academic research publication may seem daunting at first. But make sure todo the intelligent work and make a wise plan before submitting your paper for publication. The factors mentioned above are crucial for researchers before submitting their research for publication.

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