Continuing education for adults at National Education
The Greta are the structures of national education which organize training for adults in most professions. You can as well prepare a diploma from CAP to BTS as follow a simple training module. For the other levels of training, it is the continuing education services of the universities or the CNAM which are competen
What is a Greta?
A Greta is a group of local public education establishments that pool their skills and resources to offer continuing education for adults . It relies on the equipment and personnel resources of these establishments to build a training offer adapted to the local economy.
What types of establishments can join forces to create a Greta?
There are 137 Greta in France , at least one per department . As the Greta are groups of establishments, there are a total of more than 4,750 places where services can take place . Increasingly, the Gretas are also offering online training. Everyone can find the training they want, either near their home or remotely.
Each Greta is created by an agreement concluded between the establishments and approved by the rector. The rector is therefore directly responsible for the Greta “map”: he sets their number and their respective areas of intervention.
Organization of training
The duration of training is very variable and depends on the objectives pursued. Some training sessions mix different audiences: employees, job seekers, paying individuals. Others are reserved for people designated by the same client (intra-company training).
Tailor-made training
Greta training, whether collective or individual, is most of the time tailor-made. For example, within the same group of trainees, the progressions may be different from one person to another. Each trainee is positioned before entering training . The courses take into account the achievements and the individual project but also the pace of learning and availability. At the end of the training, the trainee benefits from a personalized assessment.
Entries and exits in training are possible at any time. The intervention methods are different: training in front of a trainer, group or individual training, coaching, accompanied distance training.
Work-study training
Often Greta training takes place in alternation with periods of work in a company and periods in a training center . They then organize themselves in partnership with businesses. The professionalization contract is the most common medium for this type of training.
Training for jobs of the future
Training, compulsory for the jobs of the future, has led the national education system to offer a national system implemented throughout the territory by its local structures working with adults: Greta, academic validation systems for ‘acquired for VAE, assessment-orientation spaces. This system offers clear steps: consultation advice, help with project development, personalized training course, support towards VAE, final assessment. Obtaining certification at the end of the training is a priority objective , including for the most disadvantaged groups.
Organization of the Greta network
Each Greta schedules training based on local demand for continuing training . Companies, regions or municipalities define their needs and publish calls for tenders. The Greta are selected if their proposals are both efficient and competitive.
The Greta are public training organizations subject to competition . They must bring a particular dimension to their interventions: a capacity to innovate on the educational level, a code of ethics linked to the neutrality of the public service, a know-how to qualify effectively according to economic needs.
The management of the Greta is ensured by a general assembly (AG) and its management by an establishment “support establishment”, obligatorily member of the group. The management team is made up of the president of Greta, heads of establishments who belong to Greta, the operational director, the accountant and the manager. The presidency of the Greta is ensured by one of the school heads who are members of the group . Depending on the importance of the local training market, there is one or more continuing training advisers (CFC) in each Greta who are the backbone of Greta’s operation.
The general assembly defines the orientations of the Greta and decides the participation of each establishment in the collective action. Each EPLE then takes this decision into account in its school plan.
Greta’s trainers are:
The activities of the Greta of the same academy are coordinated by a technical advisor to the rector, the academic delegate for continuing education, Dafco, or the academic delegate for initial and continuing vocational training, Dafpic .
With its services, it facilitates the relations of the Greta network with the region’s public partners, with approved joint collection bodies or with large regional companies. It promotes the pooling of resources, innovations and technological advances.