Exemplification Essay

How To Write an Exemplification Essay?


First, let us discuss what an “exemplification essay” is. An analytical or argumentative essay that uses examples to support the author’s thesis is called an exemplification essay. This is the definition of an exemplar essay. When writing argumentative or analytical essays, it is crucial to include evidence in the form of facts, quotes, statistics, examples, and even facts themselves. In the context of an exemplary essay, only measures should be considered. Now that we know what an example essay is, we can write one.

A step-by-step guide to writing an exemplar essay

If you have a strategy, the writing process will be much easier to manage. Writing a sample essay requires a few different actions to be taken.

  • Determine the topic of your example essay

Choosing an appropriate topic is the first thing you need to do in order to select a relevant topic for your paper. The topic must meet at least one of the requirements. These include, but are not limited to: current, special, practical, distinctive, unique, or unmistakable.

These topics are interesting to readers because they can read information that is not only current, but also topical and unique. It is essential to avoid categorising topics as either very specific or too general. Topics that are too general may be uninteresting and do not lend themselves well to descriptive examples.

  • Do your research

If the author still needs to research, there’s no material to work with, so make sure you do that first. Remember, the more information you have, the more examples you can use in your sample essay. This is true regardless of how much material you have. When citing information, it is important to cite sources, but it is equally important to confirm the reliability of the source in question.

Little importance should be placed on user-friendly and easily customizable websites such as Wikipedia. They cannot be relied upon. The same goes for blogs written in a personal capacity. Reputable publications such as academic journals, newspapers, online encyclopaedias, and personal blogs are the most valuable sources.

  • Use examples

Examples suitable for an exemplary essay should be intriguing and have some relevance. If you are to write an essay about a leader and his personal characteristics, you can use Bill Gates as an example.

Due to the great efforts, he made as the founder of Microsoft, he was granted only two weeks of holiday between 1978 and 1984. This lifestyle is ideal for someone who holds a high position.

  • Write your outline

To support your thesis, you need to organise your examples chronologically. There is no one method that is inherently better than another when it comes to outlining essays with examples. However, the five-paragraph outline is strongly recommended. Your introduction consists of a paragraph, and your conclusion also consists of a paragraph with the same structure. Every single main paragraph consists of three subparagraphs.

  • Start by writing the body of the essay.

The body of a copy essay is the most important part, even though it should be written second to the introduction. An illustration, topic sentence, and effective transition should be included in the first main body. This way, meaningful examples can be given and the outline of the essay can be presented.

  • Create the introduction yourself.

The introduction of an essay for illustration should serve three purposes: Attract attention, prepare the reader, and intrigue the reader. The reader’s attention must be grabbed with the very first sentence of the essay. You can grab your audience’s attention with a strong assertion or a rhetorically intended question. After that, you need to give some background information. The following examples will help the reader build confidence.

  • Construct the thesis statement.

Create a powerful statement that will serve as your thesis statement. This statement must be able to describe the entire structure of the sample essay, and it must also directly relate to the examples. It can be a statement of fact or observation, but it can also be the opinion of the author or a question that the example essay will answer.

When formulating the thesis statement, the writer must decide what type of essay to write. In longer essays for the International Baccalaureate (IB), theses must be formulated in more detail to include a greater number of facts and arguments. In shorter essays, it is possible to use more words.

The thesis serves as a guide for developing the outline of the essay. It makes outlining an essay quite easy. Make a note of all the sources so that you can choose the examples that are most appropriate for your point. It is better to use more complex measures than less efficient ones. Each measure must be to the author’s advantage.

  • Construct a concluding statement

A meaningful conclusion should make up about 10 per cent of the entire article. To ensure that the reader is reminded of the entirety of the narrative, restate the thesis statement. You might conclude the presentation of the examples by briefly reciting each section. The final step is to write the statement that ties everything together. It must be structured so that the audience can ask only one question.

  • Check for errors and revise the copy essay

Look for weaknesses in the rough draft by reading the entire text and looking for them. These should be changed immediately. Finally, make the necessary corrections to spelling and grammar. You can continue this process until you are satisfied with the result. With the help of LiveWebTutors Best Essay Help professionals, you will be able to create the best proofreading work possible.

  • Obtain answers

Getting feedback is less important than listening to others’ opinions. When you are writing an essay, the input of others can help you structure your arguments better.

Finally, College Essay Writing Help services benefit students in a variety of ways. Students can meet deadlines while also submitting high-quality work. They also assist them in finding time to participate in and attend other events. When you need assistance writing an essay as a college student, turn to a writing service. Some of the reasons why you need the assistance of writing service are listed above.

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